The Christmas Tree Nativity (Early Years) - SMART SCRIPT (VIP members)

Scene 1: Welcome To Our Show!




Time to get ready for the start of the show! The instrumental Medley welcomes the audience as the cast assemble, ready to begin the performance…


Scene 2: Outside In The Snow


On the stage is a colourful Christmas tree. Underneath the tree are several brightly-wrapped presents. Several Children (Jed, Pogo, Scoot, Ziggy, Kat, Chip, Buddy and Doodle) are standing around the Christmas tree.


Narrator 1: Once upon a time, some children found a very special tree – a magical Christmas tree!

Everyone:  (Impressed) Ooooo!


Track 2a: THE MAGICAL CHRISTMAS TREE (instrumental)




Come and see the magical Christmas tree. It’s a mystery!

Come and see the magical Christmas tree. It’s a mystery!

Verse 1    

Presents of all shapes and sizes, With so many big surprises!

Come and see the magical Christmas tree. It’s a mystery!


Verse 2     Repeat Verse 1 

It’s a mystery!


Narrator 2: There were lots of presents under the Christmas tree, all labelled to the children!

All Children:  (Delighted) Yippee!

Narrator 3: It was time to open the first present.

          Doodle picks up the nearest present, excitedly tears off the paper, and holds up a book called “THE STORY OF CHRISTMAS”.

Doodle: “The Story Of Christmas”!

Everyone: (Impressed) Ooooo!

Narrator 4:  The first present was a storybook all about Christmas. And this is what it said:

          Doodle opens the book and begins to read.

Narrator 4:  “Open the gifts that are under the tree to find out the true      meaning of Christmas.”

Narrator 1: Then it was time to open the next present…

 Buddy peers under the tree, picks up the next present, excitedly tears off the wrapping paper, and holds up a map.

Buddy (or Narrator 3):  A map!

Everyone (or Narrator 3):  (Confused) What’s THAT got to do with Christmas?!


Scene 3: On The Road To Bethlehem


  Jed, Pogo, Scoot, Ziggy, Kat, Chip, Buddy and Doodle look surprised as Mary and Joseph suddenly appear on the stage.

Narrator 1:  Suddenly, two people appeared and said that the map was THEIRS!

 Joseph crosses to the Children and takes the map from Buddy.

Joseph:  I’m Joseph.

Mary:  I’m Mary.

Narrator 2:  Joseph and Mary said they needed the map to get to Bethlehem. The children asked how they were going to get there – Joseph and Mary said the answer was under the tree…

 Mary and Joseph point to the Christmas tree. Scoot crosses to the tree, picks up a present, excitedly tears off the wrapping paper, and holds up a bunch of hay.

Scoot (or Narrator 3):  It’s hay!

Everyone (or Narrator 3): (Confused) What’s THAT got to do with Christmas?!

Narrator 4: Mary and Joseph said it was their donkey’s dinner!

 Suddenly, the Donkey pops into view and waves excitedly at the audience.

Donkey:  (Hungrily) DINNER!

          The Donkey crosses to Scoot and takes the hay.


Track 3a: I'M A LITTLE DONKEY (instrumental)

Track 3b: I'M A LITTLE DONKEY (vocal)


Verse 1    

I’m a little donkey. Ee-or! Ee-or! I’m a little donkey. Ee-or! Ee-or!

I clip, clip, clop till my feet get sore, Come on ev’rybody say ee-or!

I’m a little donkey. Ee-or! Ee-or! I’m a little donkey. Ee-or! Ee-or!

I clip, clip, clop till my feet get sore, Ev’rybody say ee-or!

Verse 2     Repeat Verse 1

Ev’rybody say ee-or! Ev’rybody say ee-or!  Ee-or!





Mary, Joseph and the Donkey exit.


Scene 4: No Room At The Inn


       Jed, Pogo, Scoot, Ziggy, Kat, Chip, Buddy and Doodle wave goodbye to Mary, Joseph and the Donkey.

Narrator 1:  Then it was time to open the next present…

 Kat peers under the tree, picks up the next present, excitedly tears off the wrapping paper, and holds up a sign reading “NO ROOM AT THE INN!”

Kat (or Narrator 3):  “No room at the inn!”

Everyone (or Narrator 3):  (Confused) What’s THAT got to do with Christmas?!

 Suddenly, Innkeepers enter. One of the Innkeepers takes the sign out of Kat’s hands.

Innkeeper: That’s mine, thank you!

Narrator 2: The children had arrived in Bethlehem!

 Mary, Joseph and the Donkey enter wearily.

Narrator 3: Mary and Joseph had been walking ALL day, and were VERY tired. But they couldn’t find anywhere to stay the night –  every inn was full up…

        The Innkeeper holds up the “NO ROOM AT THE INN!” sign, head shaking sadly.


Track 5a: KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!(instrumental)

Track 5b: KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! (vocal)


Verse 1    

Knock! Knock! Knock! Who’s there? Can we have a room?

Knock! Knock! Knock! Who’s there? Can we have a room?

Knock! Knock! Knock! Who’s there? Can we have a room?

We just need a place to stay, Can we have a room?

Verse 2    

Knock! Knock! Knock! Who’s there? Can you squeeze us in?

Knock! Knock! Knock! Who’s there? Can you squeeze us in?

Knock! Knock! Knock! Who’s there? Can you squeeze us in?

We just need a place to stay, Can you squeeze us in?

Verse 3    

Knock! Knock! Knock! Who’s there? What else can we do?

Knock! Knock! Knock! Who’s there? What else can we do?

Knock! Knock! Knock! Who’s there? What else can we do?

We just need a place to stay, What else can we do?


Narrator 4: But then, one of the innkeepers remembered the empty stable next door…





Jed, Pogo, Scoot, Ziggy, Kat, Chip, Buddy, Doodle and the Innkeepers exit.



Scene 5: In The Stable


Mary, Joseph and the Donkey settle down in the stable with the baby Jesus, as the Animals enter to watch over them.

Narrator 1:  So Mary and Joseph spent the night in the stable, where Mary had a baby – a little boy called Jesus. Shhhh! He’s asleep…


Track 7a: THERE'S A BABY (COME AND SEE)(instrumental)

Track 7b: THERE'S A BABY (COME AND SEE)(vocal)


Verse 1    

There’s a baby, come and see, There’s a baby, come and see,

There’s a baby, come and see, He is here to change the world.

Verse 2    

He is sleeping peacefully, He is sleeping peacefully,

He is sleeping peacefully, He is here to change the world.

Verse 3    

He is here for you and me, He is here for you and me,

He is here for you and me, He is here to change the world.

Verse 4     Repeat Verse 1





Everyone exits.


Scene 6: The Shepherds


Narrator 1: Then it was time to open the next present…

 Ziggy enters, then peers under the tree, picks up a present, excitedly tears off the wrapping paper, and holds up a ball of wool.

Ziggy: It’s wool!

Everyone (or Narrator 3):  (Confused) What’s THAT got to do with Christmas?!

Narrator 2:  Suddenly, some shepherds came along with their sheep!

          The Shepherds enter from the opposite side of the stage. Ziggy exits as the Shepherds take centre stage and sit down.

Narrator 3:  The shepherds were VERY tired.

All Shepherds: (Yawning) We’re VERY tired!

         All the Shepherds stretch, and yawn loudly.

Narrator 4:  Suddenly, the angels appeared!





         The Angels appear; the Shepherds back off warily.

Narrator 1: The angels said to the shepherds, “Don’t be scared”.

All Angels: Don’t be scared!

Narrator 2: The angels said they had wonderful news – a very special baby called Jesus had been born in a stable nearby. They told the shepherds to go and find him, so they could worship him.

All Angels: (Pointing) Go and find him!


Track 10: ON OFF MUSIC



        The Angels disappear.

Narrator 3:  The sleepy shepherds weren’t going to get much rest tonight!


Track 11a: SLEEPY SHEPHERDS (instrumental)

Track 11b: SLEEPY SHEPHERDS (vocal)


Verse 1    

We are sleepy shepherds And we try our best to stay awake.

We are sleepy shepherds And we try our best to stay awake.


We saw angels in the sky tonight, Angels in the sky tonight,

Angels in the sky tonight, Jesus has been born!

Verse 2    

We are sleepy shepherds And we watch our sheep up on the hill.

We are sleepy shepherds And we watch our sheep up on the hill.


Verse 3     Repeat Verse 1



Track 12: ON OFF MUSIC



         Everyone exits.


Scene 7: The Wise Men


Narrator 1: Then it was time to open the next present…

 Jed and Pogo enter. Pogo peers under the tree, pulls out the next  present – a large sparkly box – excitedly opens it, and takes out three brightly wrapped presents.

Narrator 2: And this present contained THREE presents!

Pogo: THREE presents!

Narrator 2:  Gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Everyone:  (Impressed) Ooooo!

Narrator 3:  Suddenly, three old, wise men appeared, wearing VERY strange clothes…

 The three Wise Men enter and take the three presents from Pogo.

Narrator 4:  The three wise men said that the gifts were for the baby Jesus.


Track 13a: WE HAVE COME A LONG WAY (instrumental)

Track 13b: WE HAVE COME A LONG WAY (vocal)


Verse 1    

We have come a long way, We have come a long way,

We have come a long way, Singing hallelujah.

Verse 2    

We have seen a bright star, We have seen a bright star,

We have seen a bright star, Singing hallelujah.

Verse 3    

We have gifts to give Him, We have gifts to give Him,

We have gifts to give Him, Singing hallelujah.

Verse 4    

We have come to worship, We have come to worship,

We have come to worship, Singing hallelujah. 


Narrator 1: The wise men had been following a star, but they’d lost their way. What COULD they do…?


Track 14: ON OFF MUSIC



Suddenly, the Angels appear and point to the magical Christmas tree.

Narrator 2:  The angels appeared again, and said to open the next present…

            Jed dashes back to the Christmas tree, peers underneath and pulls out a present, then excitedly tears off the wrapping paper and holds a glittering star aloft triumphantly.

 Everyone:  (Pointing to the star) There’s the star!

Narrator 3: At last, the wise men knew how to find the baby Jesus, and they set off with their gifts.


Track 15: ON OFF MUSIC



           Everyone exits.


Scene 8: In The Stable


Narrator 1: And that was the story of the magical Christmas tree, and how it taught the children about the true meaning of Christmas.


Track 16: ON OFF MUSIC



Mary, Joseph and the Donkey enter and sit on one side of the stage with the baby Jesus in a manger. The Animals enter and stand behind them. The Angels enter and watch the scene as the Shepherds and the Wise Men enter from the opposite side of the stage and lay their gifts at the feet of the baby Jesus.


Jed, Pogo, Scoot, Ziggy, Kat, Chip, Buddy and Doodle enter. Chip is carrying a large sparkly box.

Narrator 2: But there was still one present left to open…

Everyone:  (Impressed) Ooooo!

 Chip puts the sparkly box on the floor and opens it excitedly, peers inside, takes out a piece of white card (printed with a large letter “H”) and holds it aloft.

Everyone (or Narrator 3): (Confused) What’s THAT got to do with Christmas?!




Kat peers into Chip’s box and takes out another piece of white card - this one printed with a large letter “A” - and stands next to Chip; the other six Children and six of the other characters each approach the box in turn, take out a piece of white card (each printed with a different letter), and arrange themselves in a line on the stage. They then all lift up their piece of card to spell out the phrase “HAPPY CHRISTMAS”.

Everyone:  Happy Christmas!


Track 18a: HALLELUJAH (PRAISE THE KING) (instrumental)



Verse 1    

Ring the bells, Ring the bells, Ring the bells, today.

Ring the bells, Ring the bells, Ring the bells, today.


Hallelujah, praise the King! Hallelujah, praise the King!

Hallelujah, praise the King! Hallelujah, praise the King!

Hallelujah, praise the King!

Verse 2     Repeat Verse 1

Chorus       Repeat twice

Hallelujah, praise the King!



 Scene 9: Hope You Enjoyed Our show!


Track 19: MEDLEY


         Congratulations, everyone – the end of a successful show! The     instrumental Medley plays as the cast leave the stage and the audience      disperse, full of happy memories…